In Genesis 1, we see the hands of G'D forming the earth - He fashions the sun, the moon, and the stars, He pulls from the waters the land on which we walk, and He crafts the figures of a myriad of flora and fauna, setting them loose across the earth. It seems as though every time G'D makes something new, it has more and more of an impact until finally, we reach the creation of man!
As G'D looks fondly at Adam, the crown of creation, He blesses him and gifts him with all of the earth's bazillion and one living things, and man becomes dominant over these, naming them all.
Today, as I travelled two hours to an orchard in the Virginia mountains, I passed hundreds of these creations. I watched the distant sapphire mountains sweep across the horizon under the gleaming jewel of sun. I saw moss-touched thickets rise and fall as we passed, sprinkled with flowers colored fire and fuchsia. I watched wispy cotton-ball clouds soar overhead, pushed by a gentle summer breeze. And while I was watching this beauty go by, I started wondering.
Creation is an expression of the love of G'D for man. He doesn't paint the harlequin sunsets so He can watch them Himself! He didn't teach the birds to sing so He could delight in their simple refrains! He did it all so that we, His most beloved creation, can take pleasure in the things of this world, understanding that every thing of beauty here just points to Him in the next...
You can look to the cross and see that G'D loves you. You can look to the Old Testament and see the ancient plan, formed through the covenants, that G'D created because He loves us. But we can see the love of G'D for us in an even simpler way - through the marvelous works of His hands that bring color to Earth and joy to our hearts.
"And G'D saw all that He had made, and it was good"