Thursday, December 21, 2017

The Advent Wreath

Do you ever wonder why we have an Advent wreath? It's always there during advent, with those four candle mom tends to and a memo that Christmas is coming soon. But, there is a SECRET code to what these candles mean. 

There are three purple candles, one pink candle, and sometimes people put a white candle in the middle. But what does it mean? 


The first candle represents hope. We can think about hope all week and be happy. There is HOPE for all of us to get to heaven, and there is HOPE for the light of the world to come, Jesus! So, let's not HOPE for presents under the tree, but that Jesus is going to be born to save us all. And, of course, we know Jesus was born, and He did save us! So we can have hope Jesus will help us get to heaven to be with Him. 


The second candle represents faith. We have faith that Jesus will come soon. We have faith that God sent His Son to us. We have faith, but sometimes in the wrong things, for example that money will bring us happiness, and that the more stuff we get the more popular we will be. Try to have faith in the right things. This week, focus on faith and what it means to you, and what good things you can put your faith in. 


Do you know what Gaudete means? It means rejoice! This Sunday you might see the priest wearing pink, and not purple like they wear on the first, second and fourth Sundays of Advent. Why is that? Because this Sunday is special! We are extra joyous this week. That's even the meaning of our candle this week-JOY! How can you be joyful this week? How can you spread JOY to people? Can you offer to give an angel tree gift at your church or give a coat that you're too big for to a coat drive? Can you play with your baby sister because she is sad? Can you set the table without being asked? The people who receive the gift will be so happy! They will be filled with JOY! 

The fourth candle represents peace. We can be peaceful all week. How can you be peaceful? Can you mend an argument? How about choosing to be nice to someone you don't like very much? Maybe you can avoid arguments, or maybe you can play ball with your brother when she has no one to play with. Don't be PEACEFUL to get on your parents' good side so you can get more presents. Be peaceful because a little baby is about to be born. 


The white one is used in some Advent Wreathes to symbolize Jesus' birth! So, on Christmas Eve, you can light this one. But, not everyone has a white candle in the center. Sometimes, people put small manger scenes inside. What can you put inside? 


Sunday, November 12, 2017

The Second Glorious Geranium: Jesus goes to heaven

The next geranium is the ascension. Jesus has to go to heaven. He has to go see his father. He had stayed on earth for forty days. Now, his disciples have to preach the gospel and share the good news.

The apostles must now spread the good news. They have to spread what Jesus said so Jesus can come into their hearts. The apostles must've been excited and a bit nervous about telling people about Jesus.

What would you have done if you were and apostle? Would you tell people what happened with Jesus? Would you travel all over to tell people? Would you write letters to people? What would you tell them? What would you do to show God's mercy? What can you do now to show people what Jesus did for you and them?

Jesus gave his apostles a big task. What would've happened if they said no? Would you've said no? Would you've said yes?

Jesus trusted the apostles to spread the good news and to start forgiving sins, and also begin the church and help it grow. Would you have been happy if you got to do that?

The First Glorious Geranium: Jesus raises from the dead

This set of flowers is the happiest. The geraniums are the best. They are about how Jesus raises from the dead and lives forever in glory. The first geranium is how Jesus resurrects.

Many people who followed Jesus were mourning. Jesus rose from the dead and no one saw him.

Some women came to dress his body, but they didn't find him. They began to cry. Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene and Peter. They were very happy.

Jesus also appeared to two disciples on the way to Emmaus. He also appears to the disciples behind locked doors and gives them the power to forgive sins.

Maybe Mary and the rest had forgotten what Jesus had said. He did say he would be raised from the dead. And he did, just as he said.

Jesus loves you!

Saturday, August 26, 2017

The fifth sorrowful snapdragon: The Crucifixion

 The last snapdragon is the saddest snapdragon. It is the one where Jesus actually dies on the cross.

Jesus' mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, and John.

"Woman, behold your son! Son, behold your mother!" Jesus said. 

From that moment on, John took Mary into his home. 

After Jesus was put up on the cross, the sky got dark, and there was wind and lightning and thunder.

"Father, into your hands I commend my spirit! It is finished!" 

Jesus said these words right before He died. Then, he was taken down from the cross and laid in His mother's arms. 

A very famous sculptor/artist named Michelangelo made a sculpture of this moment. It is called the Pieta.

Jesus loves you. 

Michelangelo and the Pieta

A famous sculptor/artist named Michelangelo made a sculpture he called the Pieta. It is located in St. Peter's Basilica, in the Vatican City.

This sculpture shows the Blessed Virgin Mary holding Jesus' body after He was taken down from the cross. This statue is made of carrarra marble. It was made in the years 1498-1499.

In English, the Pieta is "The Pity."

The fourth sorrowful snapdragon, The Carrying of the Cross

Image result for snapdragon The heavy cross that carried our sins was laid on Jesus' back. On the way up the steep hill called Calvary, Jesus fell three times, saw His mother, was helped by a man named Simon of Cyrene, had his face wiped by Veronica, and comforted the women who wept for him.

Jesus was carrying every sin you've ever committed, even the ones you confessed in confession. He was carrying your parents' sins, all the sins in your family, in my family, in everyone's family. He carried the sins of Judas, people in the bible, and people nowadays.

Jesus carried your sins because he cares for everyone who has ever lived, and who still has yet to live.

Jesus loves you!

The third Sorrowful Snapdragon, the Crowning with Thorns

 People wanted more from Jesus. They wanted to give Him a crown. A crown of thorns. So someone quickly made a crown of thorns and placed it roughly on His head.

They placed a reed in His hand like a scepter, and a robe was placed on His shoulders.

"Hail, king of the Jews!" the people mocked.

Then, Pilate asked the crowd, "What will I do with this man?"

The crowd called out, "Crucify Him! Crucify Him!" Pilate washed his hands and stated that he was innocent. Whatever happened to Jesus would be the crowd's responsibility.

Pilate could've stopped it. He was just scared. Pilate didn't know what the crowds would do if he let Jesus go. Pilate could have prevented it, but he didn't. Jesus was then led to the cross he would carry up the steep hill.

The Second Sorrowful Snapdragon, The Scourging at the Pillar

Image result for snapdragon I don't know about you, but this story always makes me thankful. It reminds me that Jesus suffered tremendously for us and for our sins. He died so that we could be with Him in heaven.

The people who hated Jesus wanted Him to die, but they needed someone who knew Jesus well to help them out. So Judas was the perfect person. Judas betrayed Jesus. He gave Jesus over to suffering. He handed Jesus over to death. Jesus was innocent, and Judas knew that.

Jesus was beaten and killed for us. He carried the weight of all our sins on His shoulders. And He did that because He loves you, and me, and everyone in the world. He loves the sinful people, the children, the rich, the poor, the needy, the kind, Jesus helped everyone.

The first sorrowful snapdragon, the agony in the garden

Image result for jesus agony in the gardenThe next five flowers in the garden are in the saddest part. They tell stories about how Jesus suffered and died for us. The snapdragons are always ready to tell their story. The first story is the agony in the garden.

When the Jesus and His apostles were done eating, they left the house they had eaten in. Jesus took them to a garden called Gethsemane. He told them to wait, but brought Peter, James, and John along to pray and watch with Him.

After leaving Peter, James and John a little bit behind, he began to pray.

"Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass me. But do what you will!" Jesus prayed. 

Then, an angel came and comforted Jesus. 

Then, Jesus returned to Peter, James and John. They were asleep! 

"Get up! Couldn't you wait just an hour with me?" Jesus asked them. The apostles woke up, and Jesus left them. 

Then, Jesus prayed, 

"Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass me. But do what you will!" 

Then, He went to check on Peter, James and John. They were asleep. "Wake up!"

This happened one more time. Then, something very bad happened. 

In the shadows, watching Jesus, was Judas and a group of soldiers.

"Remember, I will kiss Jesus and that will be the man you are to arrest!" Judas whispered. 

Judas walked up to Jesus. He kissed Him. 

"Judas, you are betraying the son of man with a kiss?" Jesus said. 

Suddenly, one of Jesus' disciples drew his sword and cut off the high priest's servant's ear. 

Jesus told the disciple that whoever uses the sword will die by the sword. Jesus healed the man's ear. Then, he said to the disciple, "Don't you believe that if I call 12 legions of angels to my side my Father will send them?" 

Then, Jesus followed the group of soldiers. 

The luminous lanterns, the fifth luminous mystery, the Last Supper

 The last lantern is the story that introduces the Eucharist at mass. It is the Last Supper, Jesus' last meal with His apostles before he died.

When it was time for the Passover, the Jewish festival of freedom from the Egyptians, came, Jesus told Peter and John to prepare a place for them to have the Passover meal.

"Where would you like us to make it?" they asked.

Jesus replied, "You will meet a man carrying jugs of water when you enter the city. Follow him to the house and say to the owner that I need a place for Passover. Make it ready in the room he shows you."

Peter and John obeyed and found things exactly as Jesus has said.

Soon, it was time to eat.

This is where the most exciting part happens. During mass, this part is called the Consecration. The priest acts "in persona Christi", or in the person of Christ.

"Take this, all of you, and eat of it,
for this is my Body which will be given up for you.

Take this, all of you, and drink from it,
for this is the chalice of my Blood,
the blood of the new and eternal covenant
which shall be poured out for you and for many,
for the forgiveness of sins.
Do this in memory of me."

The apostles must have been astounded! How could Jesus give them His Body and Blood to have for supper?

Then, Jesus began saying that someone who was sitting at the table with Jesus would betray him.

Judas, the man who had secretly offered to hand Jesus over to the people who hated Him, was thinking about His grave sin. Why had he betrayed His master? Jesus had chosen Him when He chose His apostles. He did it because He was a greedy man. He would hand Jesus over for money.

Peter loved Jesus so much.

"I'm ready to go die with you, Lord!" he cried.

"Before the rooster crows, Peter, you will deny me three times," Jesus said. Peter was dumbfounded. No! He wouldn't deny His master!

The Luminous Lanterns lead into the saddest stories ever told. What Jesus had hinted at was near. He was almost done on the Earth. Now, He had to complete His last mission: suffering and death.

The Luminous Lanterns, the fourth luminous mystery: The Transfiguration

The next lantern is the Transfiguration. This lantern is really bright because it tells a very important story.

Jesus took the apostles Peter, James and John to a mountain. The apostles watched as Jesus became very bright.

When the apostles looked, they saw Moses and Elijah, the prophets, standing on either side of him.

Peter then said, "Lord, it is good that we were here. Shall I set up three shelters for you, Moses and Elijah?"

Then God said, "This is my son, who I love, listen to him!"

Peter James and John were very frightened. 

"Don't be afraid!" Jesus assured them. 

As they were walking down the mountain, Jesus told them to tell no one what happened there until he rose from the dead. The apostles obeyed Jesus. 

Friday, August 11, 2017

The Luminous Lanterns, the third Luminous Mystery: The Proclamation of the Kingdom

The next lantern is the Proclamation of the Kingdom. It is where Jesus tells people about the Kingdom of Heaven.

After John the Baptist was arrested, Jesus began teaching the crowds about the Kingdom of Heaven. He did miracles for them, and he taught everyone. He loved children. Jesus liked to teach about his father's kingdom. Some people didn't like it, though. But Jesus taught even better when those people were there because He wanted to teach those people too. He wanted to make sure everyone knew about His father's kingdom. He helped the blind people see, and the paralyzed people walk. He walked a lot with His disciples and even helped his own disciples learn about His father.

How can you spread the word of Jesus to people you know?

The Luminous Lanterns, The Luminous Mysteries: The Wedding at Cana

This next lantern is a miracle. It is for the wedding at Cana. Let's look into the story...

Jesus and Mary were attending a wedding. The bride and groom had run out of wine. Mary asked Jesus to help them. But Jesus said that he wasn't ready yet. Mary told the waiters to do whatever Jesus told them to do.

"Fill these pitchers with water and bring them to me," Jesus said. The waiters did as Jesus said. Then, Jesus told them to bring the pitchers to the head wine taster.

The head wine taster tasted it. He was amazed. "This is great!" he exclaimed. Then, he called over the bride and groom.

"Usually, the first of the wine is the best! But this is better than the first!" the head wine taster announced.

Jesus helped the bride and groom by doing a miracle for them. You can be like Jesus by helping your friends and family. How can you help the people around you? You can help your mom with dinner when she hasn't asked you to. You can do little things that help a lot. Find a way to do something that helps your family or friends today.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

The Luminous Lanterns, the First Luminous Mystery: The Baptism in the Jordan

When it gets dark in the garden, these lanterns light up to make the garden a cheery and bright place. The roses and other flowers in the rosary garden are happy to have lights at night. The lanterns are supposed to remind us that Jesus is the light, and He never goes away. The first lantern has many designs. The first luminous mystery is the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan.

The Jordan was a river where John the Baptist baptized people. Remember John from the Second Joyful Mystery? Well, now, he baptizes people.
Jesus went to the Jordan to be baptized by John. John wanted Jesus to baptize him. But John baptized Jesus because Jesus wanted him to. 

When Jesus was being baptized, a voice came from heaven. It said: 


Rosary Roses, The Joyful Mysteries: The Finding in the Temple

The last rose in the rose part of the garden is the Finding in the Temple.

Mary, Joseph and Jesus were traveling home from Passover when Mary noticed that Jesus wasn't there. He wasn't with His friends. He wasn't with another family. Where was He? Mary and Joseph traveled back to the city to find Him. Mary was so nervous. She was afraid that she had lost the Savior! Finally, she and Joseph found Jesus teaching the priests in the temple about God. The priests were astounded. Who was this young boy who knew more about scripture then they did?

Mary was relieved to have found Him.

"Where were you, Jesus?" asked Joseph.

"We were so worried, Jesus!" Mary announced.

"Don't worry, mother and father!" Jesus said calmly, "didn't you know I'd be in my Father's house?"

Jesus was talking about the temple as His Father's house, and God as His Father. 

Rosary Roses, The Joyful Mysteries: The Presentation

The Fourth Rose is the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple!

Mary and Joseph took Jesus to the temple. A man and woman were there. They had been waiting for a long time to see Jesus. Their names were Simeon and Anna. God told Simeon that he would not die until he saw Jesus.

When Jesus, Mary and Joseph walked into the temple, Simeon and Anna were waiting. Simeon praised God and then told Mary that a sword would pierce her soul. Mary was stunned. Why would a sword pierce her soul? She
 wondered when it would happen.

Mary and Joseph must have felt uncomfortable as they walked out of the temple with Jesus. But Simeon and Anna were happy. Now they could die because they had seen Jesus.

The last rose in the garden is next. Read on!

Rosary Roses, The Joyful Mysteries: The Nativity

The third rose is very important. It is where a new character in the garden comes up. His name is Jesus, and He is a newborn baby. His mother, Mary, gave birth to Jesus in a stable, because there was no room for them in any hotels. Let's look closer in this story.

A man named Caesar said that he wanted everyone to go to where they were born. Mary and Joseph went to their hometown. But when they got to the town, all the hotels were full of people. A man who ran a hotel said that he had no rooms, but he had a stable in the back they could use. It was there that Jesus was born. Mary wrapped Him in pieces of cloth and laid Him in a manger.

A bunch of visitors came to see the baby Jesus. Angels sang above the stable. In a field, some shepherds and their sheep were sleeping and some angels came and sang songs.


The angels then disappeared and the shepherds ran to the stable. 

Meanwhile, three wise men had seen a bright star, and they followed it to Jerusalem, sure that the baby was there. They went to the palace. King Herod was angered that another king existed. He was worried that the baby would one day take over his palace. So he told the three wise men to come back and tell him where the baby was so that "he could honor Him." But King Herod really wanted to kill Jesus. 

The three wise men traveled to Bethlehem and gave Jesus gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. They were going to go to King Herod, but an angel warned them in a dream not to go there. They took another way home. 

King Herod was so angry that he killed all the babies that were very young. But Joseph and Mary and their new baby escaped because in a dream, an angel told Joseph to go to Egypt immediately. So Mary, Joseph and Jesus left that night. 

The first saints were the Holy Innocents, who were the babies who died in place of Jesus. 

The next rose is a special one! I hope you read more! Bye!

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Rosary Roses, The Joyful Mysteries: The Visitation

The Second Rose is one that helps friendships grow. The Second Rose introduces a new character to the garden. Didn't I tell you the rosary was a garden of roses and holy figures?

The Second Joyful Mystery: The Visitation

Even though Mary was pregnant with Jesus, she walked all the way to where her cousin Elizabeth lived. Elizabeth was getting older, and her husband Zachariah was convinced that Elizabeth would never be pregnant. But Mary walked to Elizabeth's house to find her cousin, pregnant, and running out to greet her! 

"Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!" Elizabeth announced, joyfully. 

"My soul magnifies the Lord
And my spirit rejoices in God my Savior;
Because He has regarded the lowliness of His handmaid;
For behold, henceforth all generations shall call me blessed;
Because He who is mighty has done great things for me,
and holy is His name;
And His mercy is from generation to generation
on those who fear Him.
He has shown might with His arm,
He has scattered the proud in the conceit of their heart.
He has put down the mighty from their thrones,
and has exalted the lowly.
He has filled the hungry with good things,
and the rich He has sent away empty.
He has given help to Israel, his servant, mindful of His mercy
Even as he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his posterity forever." 

Mary said this. It is called the Magnificat. Then, after a little while, Mary went home and the next rose in our garden bloomed. 

Is there ever a time in your life where you make a sacrifice? Mary made a sacrifice by traveling to her cousin's house when she was pregnant. Try to make sacrifices, and think of this rose when you do it. 

Rosary Roses: The Joyful Mysteries, the Annunciation

The mysteries of the Rosary are like little roses that help us concentrate on the prayers we pray to glorify God. When you see a rose, you stare at it and wonder how God designed it. So we can think of the mysteries of the rosary, and wonder how God made them happen. 

The First Joyful Mystery: The Annunciation

Mary was just doing what she did every day, and she was praising God silently as she did it. Then, there was a huge flash of light and an angel appeared, and he said what appears in the bible many times, "DO NOT BE AFRAID." This angel was the Archangel Gabriel and he had come to Mary to tell her something special. "Mary, you are to have a son. Call him Jesus. He will be king over all Israel. He is God's son." the angel said. Mary was startled. Why her? She was a regular girl! Why not a princess or queen. But Mary accepted by saying, "I am God's. Let His will be done to me like you say." Then, the angel disappeared. Mary was very nervous. She was pregnant and she wasn't married! She went to Joseph. When he had heard, he wanted to leave her quietly so that Mary wouldn't be hurt or embarrassed. But an angel came to Joseph in a dream and said, "Joseph, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife." So Joseph wasn't afraid any more, and he did what he was told. 

How can you obey God in your every day life? If your mom asks you to clean your room, do it because God asks for us to obey our parents. If your teacher says to wipe off the whiteboard, do it because God lives inside your teacher, and He wants you to. If your sister or brother asks you to help them with the laundry, do it because it will please the Lord. 

Friday, August 4, 2017

The Miraculous Medal

Hey! It's Katie! Today, I'm talking about the Miraculous Medal. Mary gave the Miraculous Medal to St. Catherine Laboure. St. Catherine was a member of the daughter of charity of St. Vincent de Paul. She was a holy girl. People wear the Miraculous Medal to honor Our Lady.


O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.

God Bless you! ☺

The Brown Scapular

Hello, there! It's Katie! This picture is a scapular. Loads of people have no idea what a scapular is. In fact, I didn't even know what it was until I found one and my mother bought it for me. The picture is a photo of mine. But our question...


This website is the one I used to find out what it was. If you have questions I don't answer about the brown scapular, go to this website. 

A scapular is a holy necklace like a Miraculous Medal or a crucifix. 

The Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel is the most common and most favored by the Church. 

Who is Our Lady of Mount Carmel? 

Our Lady of Mount Carmel is, well, the Blessed Virgin Mary. This title was given to her because she is the patroness of the Carmelites. The first Carmelites lived on Mount Carmel in the Holy Land. The men up there were mountains. They built a chapel and called it "Our Lady of the Place."

Are there promises to wearing the scapular? 

Yes! The promises are...
  • Whoever dies wearing the scapular won't suffer eternal fire. 
  • “Wear the Scapular devoutly and perseveringly. It is my garment. To be clothed in it means you are continually thinking of me, and I in turn, am always thinking of you and helping you to secure eternal life.” Mary said. 


Yes, there were miracles! Here they are...
  • In May 1957, in Westenboden, Germany, a row of houses caught on fire. The people in one of the houses put a scapular on their front door. Lots of houses went down. But even though houses went down, the house with the scapular still stood. 
  • In November of 1955, a plane crashed in Guatemala. All the passengers died except for one young girl who was holding her scapular and calling for Our Lady.  
Our Lady of Mount Carmel, 



Hi! It's Katie! And right now, we're learning about the second commandment, which is...


God meant that we shouldn't use His name in a bad way. His name is so holy that it shouldn't become a common phrase or curse word. His name should be respected over all other names. If you see something horrible, and you want to use God's name in a bad way, remember that it is bad to say His name in vain. 

CHALLENGE: If you see something bad, and you want to use God's name in a bad way, remember that it is bad to say His name in vain. Come up with a word to use instead. It can be as silly and pointless as "bananas!" or "froggy stole my apple tree!" 

There are always alternatives to saying God's name in a bad way. 

GAME: Try to make up useless phrases like "bananas!" or "froggy stole my apple tree!" See how many you can come up with, and then pick one to be your alternative! Try to use it instead of using God's name in vain. 

Now do you see why it is bad to take the Lord's name in vain? It's like when you say something bad to a friend. God is your friend. Don't make bad choices! Use your alternatives!

God Bless! ☺