Saturday, August 26, 2017

The first sorrowful snapdragon, the agony in the garden

Image result for jesus agony in the gardenThe next five flowers in the garden are in the saddest part. They tell stories about how Jesus suffered and died for us. The snapdragons are always ready to tell their story. The first story is the agony in the garden.

When the Jesus and His apostles were done eating, they left the house they had eaten in. Jesus took them to a garden called Gethsemane. He told them to wait, but brought Peter, James, and John along to pray and watch with Him.

After leaving Peter, James and John a little bit behind, he began to pray.

"Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass me. But do what you will!" Jesus prayed. 

Then, an angel came and comforted Jesus. 

Then, Jesus returned to Peter, James and John. They were asleep! 

"Get up! Couldn't you wait just an hour with me?" Jesus asked them. The apostles woke up, and Jesus left them. 

Then, Jesus prayed, 

"Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass me. But do what you will!" 

Then, He went to check on Peter, James and John. They were asleep. "Wake up!"

This happened one more time. Then, something very bad happened. 

In the shadows, watching Jesus, was Judas and a group of soldiers.

"Remember, I will kiss Jesus and that will be the man you are to arrest!" Judas whispered. 

Judas walked up to Jesus. He kissed Him. 

"Judas, you are betraying the son of man with a kiss?" Jesus said. 

Suddenly, one of Jesus' disciples drew his sword and cut off the high priest's servant's ear. 

Jesus told the disciple that whoever uses the sword will die by the sword. Jesus healed the man's ear. Then, he said to the disciple, "Don't you believe that if I call 12 legions of angels to my side my Father will send them?" 

Then, Jesus followed the group of soldiers. 

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