Monday, December 16, 2019

Gaudete Sunday

Yesterday was Gaudete Sunday, and it is a special day. You will notice some changes in the church building. For one thing, the pink candle is lit. Also, banners and the altar cloth, as well as the priests' vestments are pink (the liturgical term for this pink color is rose). And there's this special word - Gaudete. What does it all mean?

To start off, Gaudete is Latin for "rejoice". Advent is typically a time of hope and preparation, but it is nice to have a celebration of joy in between all the hoping and waiting. 

Gaudete Sunday is not just for Sunday. It is for the whole week - Sunday through Saturday. 

Your challenge for this week is to exercise the virtue of joy. Smile at as many people as you can. Be joyful! Also, continue practicing the virtues of hope and patience, because although it is a special week, it is still Advent, so we should still be practicing these virtues. 

God Bless!

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Advent 2019

Happy New Year!

Wait, what? New Years isn't for another month! If that's what you're thinking, then you are wrong. As Catholics, we celebrate a different new year - the liturgical New Year! Today is the first Sunday of Advent, and we celebrate our New Year. And it's not a cause for solemness and quietness, it is a time of celebration! You can even take some of the New Year traditions in your family and apply them to this New Year!
  • Take out the Advent Wreath! Remember, the wreath with the four colored candles? You should bless them for this season and then light the first candle!
  • Write New Year's Resolutions: Just like the upcoming New Year, you can write resolutions. Write down all the sins you can remember and resolve to try not to commit them again. You can also go to the sacrament of Penance!
  • Pray the rosary: Start off your Advent Season well by praying this prayer. It doesn't take as long as you might think, and Our Lady promises special graces to those who pray it.

Feel free to come up with your own ideas as well. I pray that you find a way to celebrate your New Year the best you can. God bless! 

Sunday, November 3, 2019

All Saints

On Friday, the Catholic Church celebrated the Feast of All Saints. This is a good time to talk about patron saints and what they help you with.

A patron saint is a saint that shares your name. For example, if your name is Patrick, your patron saint is Saint Patrick. I have always thought that if you have a patron saint, then they're a saint you should look up to and try to follow. Trying to act like them and have the same virtues will get you closer to Jesus. So, this week, your goal is to find out who your patron saint is. Then, read a little bit about them and try to act like them. Hopefully, you will even ask for their intercession!

Remember, all names do not have saints associated with them, so sometimes you have to get creative. For example, if your name is Rosalyn, you might have to go with Saint Rose of Lima instead.

Below is a short list of saints and virtues they led, for your use when trying to find who your patron saint is.

Saint Maria Goretti (Maria, Mary, Marie, Marilyn) - Purity
Saint Monica (Monica) - Patience
Saint George (George) - Bravery
Saint Joan of Arc (Joan, Joanne, Joanna) - Courage
Saint Elizabeth of Hungary (Elizabeth) - Generosity
Saint Therese (Therese, Theresa, Teresa) - Love
Saint Anthony of Padua (Anthony, Antonio, Antonia) - Prayerfulness
Blessed Chiara Badano (Chiara, Clare) - Joy
Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati (George) - Happiness
Mary (Mary, Maria, Marie, Mara) - Obedience
Saint Maximilian Kolbe (Maximillian, Max) - Sacrifice
Saint Thomas (Thomas, Tom) - Belief, Trust
Pope Saint John Paul II (John, Paul, John Paul, Johnny) - Love
Saint Lawrence (Lawrence) - Perseverance
Saint Rose of Lima (Rose, Rosie, Rosalyn) - Piety

God Bless You!

Friday, September 6, 2019

Starting Back Up

School is starting again for most of us, including me. We have to get used to new environments and new teachers and maybe even a new school. You may feel disoriented, tired, etc. The important thing when starting something new is to stay confident. If you approach everything with confidence, you will feel better.

Most of the saints had to be confident at least once in their lives, including Saint Joan of Arc. Just like you, Joan of Arc had to be brave. When she left her family's farm in the tiny village of Domremy, she was making adjustments, just like someone starting school. Even if you don't feel like starting a new grade or going to a new school are brave things to do, they are! When starting a new school, be like Joan of Arc and ride into the battlefield with your head raised high!

God Bless You!

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Summer With Jesus!

Monday, August 12, 2019

Amen. We say this at the end of every prayer that we’ve ever prayed. After the Our Father, the Hail Mary, the Glory Be, etc. Have you ever wondered what the word actually means? I have. So I recently researched the word, and found out some very interesting things. Amen means “so be it”. It comes from the word aman, which means faithful, or trustworthy. So when you say the Our Father, and you say “and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen”, you will understand what you are saying. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

The Good Shepherd
In the gospel for today, Jesus tells the story of the shepherd that went after one sheep. He had 99 others, but he went after that last sheep. That gospel reminded me of a Saint Augustine quote: “God loves each of us as if there was only one of us.” It’s easy to think that we’re trash, that God doesn’t want us, etc., but that’s not the truth. We are all like that sheep that went astray, but Jesus, the Good Shepherd, will always go after us. If you were the last person on earth and Jesus had to be crucified again to save us, then He would, because He cares for us. He would die for you no matter how bad you behaved. Today, your challenge is to remember that you’re worth saving

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Acting Like Maximilian Kolbe
Today is the feast of Saint Maximilian Kolbe. He lived in Europe during World War II and spoke out against the Nazis. He was captured by the Nazis and put in a concentration camp. He eventually gave his life to save another prisoner. You can make sacrifices, just like Maximilian Kolbe. Not all of us are called to give our lives to save others (“There is no greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” -John 15:13), but we can small sacrifices (a good example of making small sacrifices would be the life of Saint Therese of Lisieux). So today, your challenge is to make one or two small sacrifices for someone in your life. “For Jesus I am prepared to suffer still more.” -Saint Maximilian Kolbe

Thursday, August 15, 2019

What is a Holy Day of Obligation?
A Holy Day of Obligation is a day in the year that all Catholics are required to go to Mass. It celebrates an important event in Jesus’ or Mary’s life. Today is the Feast of the Assumption. The Assumption commemorates the day that Mary went to heaven, body and soul. Today, your challenge is to get your parents to take you to Mass. If going to Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation are already important in your household, then your challenge is to act like Mary today. 

Friday, August 16, 2019

“His Mercy Endures Forever”
Today’s psalm is in Psalm 136. It talks about praising God. It also talks about God’s mercy and thankfulness towards God. Today, your challenge is to “create your own psalm”. Your “psalm” should be a poem or prayer. It should talk about God’s mercy, your thankfulness, and praise of God. If you would like, you can send it into, and I will post them on Catholic Thoughts 4 Kids. 
Every day, we should be praising and thanking God. Every morning and night, you should be talking to God and thanking and praising Him, because He is an amazing God. He is merciful, loving, all-powerful, and praise-worthy. 

Saturday, August 17, 2019

“Let the little children come to Me.”
This biblical phrase is one of Jesus’ most popular quotes. The passage goes on to say that “the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these”. Jesus doesn’t mean that only children can enter the Kingdom of Heaven. It means that in order to enter God’s Kingdom, we must become humble. How do we become humble? We accept that we make mistakes. A good example of this is Saint Therese of Lisieux. Saint Therese took the blame for things she didn't do. She made small sacrifices, and she also befriended a nun who made fun of her and frustrated her. Saint Therese lived with a smile on her face. Today, your challenge is to humble yourself. Be like Saint Therese. Let yourself go to Jesus.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

How to Dedicate Your Summer to Jesus

For most of us, the summer is here. We're out of school and work, we're sleeping in, and we're doing whatever we want. Lots of our routines slip away, including the routine of prayer. Because I believe it's important to stay praying (Pray without ceasing, 1 Thessalonians 5:17), I am dedicating this post to forming a prayer routine and keeping up this prayer routine all 365 days in the year.

The first thing to do to be able to have a constant routine is to make your routine. Your routine could be as simple as praying a decade of the rosary at morning and night, or it could be more or less (my prayer routine takes a bit more time: I pray the Angelus and the Morning Offering in the morning, the Angelus at noon, and the Angelus and the Act of Contrition at night). Once you have a prayer routine that works for you, it's time to exercise it. You may not always remember, so it's okay if it's 10am and you just remembered you forgot to pray the Hail Mary before you left your room that morning. You can simply do your routine in that moment when you remember. 

Some ways to help you remember...
  • If you have glasses, a necklace, a watch, or anything you put on straight away in the morning, you can put a sticky note/index card with the word "PRAY" on top of your glasses/necklace/watch/etc.
  • You can have your mother or father remind you
  • You can have one of your siblings remind you
  • Put a reminder/alarm on your alarm clock/phone/etc. 
It should take about 2 months to create your prayer habit, so keep it up and you will be praying all summer!

Good luck and God Bless!

Sunday, April 14, 2019

April: The Month of the Holy Spirit

Related imageThere are three members of the Holy Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. A dove symbolizes the Holy Spirit. Like the other members of the Trinity, he is all powerful, merciful, and is God. The name of the Holy Spirit makes Him sound mysterious. We don't know a lot about this member of the Trinity, but He has always been important in the Catholic Church. He is always working in our lives; He is always there. He was there at Jesus' baptism in the Jordan, and He was there at creation. He is everywhere, in all good things.

Palm Sunday

Image result for palm sunday images“They took palm branches and went out to meet him, and cried out:
‘Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, the king of Israel.’”
-John 12:13

Palm Sunday Meditation
YOU ARE MY KING. When You rode the donkey into Jerusalem,
You were prepared to die for us. You were well aware of the pain You would face.
You looked through the crowds. There were Your disciples, followers, and friends.
At one moment, all twelve would let You down. Judas would betray You.
Peter would deny he even knew You. All of Your followers would run away
because they were afraid. You knew that at the cross only three people would remain:
Your ever faithful mother Mary, Your beloved disciple John, and Mary Magdalene.
Almost everyone else watching Your death would be there to mock You.
That sea of people surrounding Your donkey had all committed sins You would pay for.
You paid my price, Jesus. I deserved the cross. I have earned it. Because You love me,
You will die. When someone asked who would go and be the savior, You volunteered.
You didn't try to back away. You said You would go. Everything I am is because of You,
my King. You are my King. I have abandoned You, whipped You, and sent nails through
Your skin. I hung You on that cross, but still You love me. I have done awful things, Lord,
and You still love me. Your love is bottomless. You are my King.

“They took palm branches and went out to meet him, and cried out:
‘Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, the king of Israel.’”

-John 12:13

Sunday, March 17, 2019

SAINTS CORNER - The Servant to the Sick: The Story of Mother Teresa

Image result for mother teresaHey! It's Julia! In school, we are learning about people who promoted peace. It's pretty obvious that we started out with Mother Teresa because she won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.

Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu was born on August 26, 1910. She was the youngest child in her family. When she was eight years old, her father died. When she was eighteen, she went off to Ireland to join the Sisters of Loreto. She had a great devotion to Saint Therese of Lisieux, so she became Sister Mary Teresa. After making her first vows, she was sent to Calcutta, India, to teach at Saint Mary's Girls School. On September 10, 1946, Mother Teresa boarded a train to attend a retreat. It was on the train that she received her "call within a call". That call was what drove Mother Teresa to her mission: serving the poorest of the poor in Calcutta. But she was not there yet.

Almost two full years passed, and Mother Teresa waited and waited for permission to leave the convent. There had never been religious sisters on the street before. It was a hard decision for Mother Teresa's superiors, but she was allowed to go serve the poor. On August 17, 1948, sporting a white sari with blue stripes, she entered the chaotic streets of Calcutta, India. At first, she worked with some medic sisters, but felt her call stronger in the slums. So, in December, Mother Teresa began what she is known for. She began each day with communion, and then set out for the slums, bearing a rosary like a sword. Soon, her old students from Saint Mary's began to come help her serve the poor.

In October, 1950, the Missionaries of Charity began. There was now a new order that did what Mother Teresa was doing. They were caring for the dying on the street, giving medicine to those who could be saved, and praying with her patients.

Soon, the world began to notice the little nun running around India, helping the sick the best they could. She received two awards: The Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 and the Indian Padmashri Award in 1962. By 1997, 4,000 members of the Missionaries of Charity worked in 610 places in 123 countries!

On September 5, 1997, Mother Teresa went to see God. She was beatified by Pope John Paul II, who she had met, and was canonized by Pope Francis in 2016.

Mother Teresa, PRAY FOR US!

Sunday, March 10, 2019

SAINTS CORNER - The Bishop with a Breastplate: The Story of Saint Patrick

Image result for saint patrickHello! It's Julia again! We are decorating our school for our Saint Patrick's Day party! We have made shamrocks with gold glitter and have put Irish flags all over our school! Sometimes, with all this fun, it's hard to remember the story of Saint Patrick and why we celebrate it in the first place!

Saint Patrick is one of the most popular saints. His feast day is celebrated all over the world! But, did you know that Saint Patrick actually wasn't from Ireland? He wasn't! He was captured by slave traders and he had to leave his home in the country of Wales. He lived in Ireland until he was twenty, herding sheep. He left when God told him that a ship was waiting to take him back to Wales.

One night, Patrick had a dream. In the dream, he was begged to return to Ireland. Patrick was inspired to become a priest. When he was ordained a bishop, he returned to Ireland. At first, many of the Irish were skeptical about his religion. They clung to their old pagan beliefs. Saint Patrick was able to convert them, and he built many churches in Ireland. He preached in Ireland for forty years!

Saint Patrick used shamrocks to explain the Trinity to the Irish. He showed them how the shamrock has three leaves, one for each member of the Trinity. If you look close enough, you can see that each leaf on the shamrock is shaped like a heart!

Saint Patrick taught us a special prayer. It is called Saint Patrick's Breastplate.

Saint Patrick's Breastplate

Christ with me,
Christ before me,
Christ behind me,
Christ in me,
Christ beneath me,
Christ above me,
Christ on my right, 
Christ on my left, 
Christ when I lie down, 
Christ when I sit down,
Christ when I arise,
Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me,
Christ in every eye that sees me,
Christ in every ear that hears me.

Saint Patrick, PRAY FOR US!

Sunday Check-In

On Sundays, you can try to check-in with yourself about your Lenten sacrifice(s). Here are a few questions you can ask yourself:

  1. How am I growing in my faith through my Lenten sacrifice(s)?
  2. Have I broken my Lenten sacrifice(s) yet?
  3. Am I feeling closer to Jesus through my sacrifice(s)? 
Ask yourself these questions every Sunday. These will help you keep track of how you are doing with your sacrifice(s). 

God Bless!

Lenten Sacrifice Ideas

Sometimes, it's hard to pick something to sacrifice, so I have included in this post a list of things to get rid of and add on during Lent!

Get Rid Of...

  • Candy
  • Limit screen time
  • Donate some toys to a local charity
  • Donate some clothes to a local charity
  • Long showers
  • TV shows with bad content
  • Using bad words
  • Being sassy towards your parents/teachers
  • Social media
  • Gossip
  • Makeup
  • Sarcasm
  • Being irreverent during Mass
  • Checking your phone too often
  • Being mean to your siblings
  • Waiting until you are done doing what you were doing before doing the chores you were told to do
  • Give some of your money to church or to a charity
  • An extra prayer to your morning routine
  • Read the readings before going to Mass
  • Meditate on the Stations of the Cross
  • Make time for Confession (you might have to give up some rest time!)
  • Put a CRS rice bowl in your home
  • Make a list of forty people to pray for
  • Do a chore for one of the members in your family
  • Do a secret act of kindness for someone
  • Ask your teacher if you can help them with anything
  • A book of spiritual readings to read every day (try some saint diaries, for example: 
    • Divine Mercy in My Soul By Saint Faustina Kowalska
    • Story of a Soul By Saint Therese of Lisieux
    • A book of the lives of the saints
    • A book of daily meditations

The Violet Vestments: Why Does the Priest Wear Violet During Lent?

During the Liturgical seasons of Advent and Lent, the priest wears violet. The priest wears violet because it is the color of penance, sorrow, suffering, and humility. Because Lent is a time of penance, it is right for him to wear this color during this Liturgical Season. Historically, violet was also the color of royalty because violet was an expensive color. So, along with being a color of penance and suffering, it also shows how Jesus is the King of Heaven.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

SAINTS CORNER - The Saint Named Soubirous: The Story of Saint Bernadette

Image result for bernadette soubirousWhenever someone sees the Blessed Virgin Mary or Jesus comes to them, they're not usually someone special. Mary picked three shepherd children at Fatima, and Jesus picked a young nun named Sister Faustina in Poland. They don't go to the rich, famous, and powerful. They go to the small, humble, and meek. That might be one of the reasons that whenever someone sees an apparition, it isn't believed to be true at first. Why on earth would the Queen of Heaven come to poor children? Well, the Queen of Heaven did just that when she traveled to the small town of Lourdes, France, to speak to a young fourteen year old girl named Bernadette. 

Bernadette was the oldest of six children. She had a disease called asthma that affected her breathing. Because of this, she couldn't go to school, and she couldn't read or write. 

When she was fourteen, she went with her sister and her sister's friend to gather firewood. They came to a place called Massabielle, where there was a small grotto. Her sister and friend waded through the creek to get firewood from the grotto, but the water was too cold and would hurt Bernadette, so she was told to stay on the other side of the creek. While she was waiting, she felt strong, cold, winds. She looked towards the grotto and saw a figure there. The woman was beautiful! She had a white robe, a blue sash, a veil, a rosary in her hands, and a yellow rose on each foot. 

Bernadette didn't know who the woman was, and she was very afraid. She found that she could not make the Sign of the Cross until the woman made the Sign of the Cross. She took out her rosary and prayed. The woman disappeared after Bernadette finished praying the rosary. When Bernadette stood up, she decided to wade through the creek to get to her companions. When she did, the cold creek turned warm and it was easier for her to walk through. 

Bernadette told her companions what had happened, but even though Bernadette made her friend and sister promise not to tell her mother, they told anyway. They believed Bernadette was not really seeing anything; they believed it was just her imagination. Many people told Bernadette to stop going, but she went anyway. More and more people joined her at Massabielle every time she went. Only Bernadette could see the apparition. 

Bernadette and a woman from the town went to the grotto together, with the permission of Bernadette's mother. They went with a pencil and a piece of paper so Bernadette could write down what she said. But the woman in the grotto told Bernadette that she didn't need to write anything, but to come every day for fifteen days. The woman told her that she promised to make her happy in heaven, but not on earth. 

As Bernadette's story got out, more people came to the grotto. Doctors came to examine her. All the doctors said the same thing: there was nothing wrong with her. The government was getting mad at Bernadette, so they forbade her from ever returning to the grotto. Bernadette told them she could do no such thing. She just had to see the woman at the grotto every day! The government told her that if she didn't promise to never return to the grotto, she would be sent to jail. 

Bernadette kept going to the grotto every day. One day, at the grotto, the woman told her to eat the plants in the grotto and drink from the spring. Massabielle had never had a spring, so Bernadette dug a hole in the ground and covered her face with dirt. After she had left, someone found that there was water coming out of the whole in the ground where Bernadette had dug! The water coming from the spring cured many people. 

Bernadette also brought a candle with her to the grotto when she went. Once, while she was watching the woman, she placed her hand over the candle without knowing it. The flames burned right through her hand, but Bernadette wasn't burned or hurt in any way. 

On the Feast of the Annunciation, the woman told Bernadette her name. "I am the Immaculate Conception." Bernadette didn't know what the Immaculate Conception was, so she asked a priest what it was. When he heard that the woman was called the "Immaculate Conception", he knew that the apparition was real because Bernadette didn't know what it meant. 

After all Bernadette's visions were over, Bernadette joined a religious order - the Sisters of Charity. She lived as a Sister of Charity until her death at age 35. She was buried in the convent, but they took her out of the ground to put her body in a church, but they found that her body was just like it was when she had been buried 30 years earlier! Her feast day is April 6.

Saint Bernadette, PRAY FOR US!

March: The Month of Saint Joseph

Image result for saint josephSaint Joseph is one of the most well known saints. He was a protector. He listened to God.

Joseph is the only member of the Holy Family that sinned, but he was still a compassionate, loving husband and father to the members of the Holy Family. He listened to God when he was told to do something. If he hadn't listened, Mary and Jesus would've died.

An angel came to him twice to tell him what to do. He was first visited by the Angel Gabriel when he was told to marry Mary, even though she already had a child. This might've damaged Joseph's reputation, but he did it anyway because he knew it was the right thing to do. The second time he was visited by an angel was in Bethlehem. The angel told him to pack up Mary and Jesus and flee to Egypt because Herod was looking to kill Jesus. He was an obedient follower of God.

Saint Joseph is an example for all. He teaches us how to be obedient, and he shows us how to protect families and friends. He shows us how to act immediately when God tells us something. The life of Saint Joseph teaches us a great many things about listening and obedience.

Now, try to be obedient and try to listen! When your parents tell you to load the dishwasher or fold the laundry, be obedient and do it right away. When your friends are having conversations at lunch, listen closely. Say something about the story they had to tell. They will feel like they matter!

God Bless!


Lent is the period of forty days before Easter. You might be wondering why the church uses the number forty so much. Well, in the Bible, the number forty is used a lot. Noah spent forty days and nights on the ark in the Book of Genesis. The Israelites wandered for forty years in the desert before coming across the Promised Land. Jesus fasted in the desert for forty days when he was tempted by the devil.

During Lent, we focus on three important practices:
  • Fasting
    • Abstain from meat on Fridays in Lent
    • Take part in a fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday
    • For the fast, you can have one meal and two small meals that don't add up to a full meal
    • Many people give up something for Lent 
  • Prayer
    • Lent is a good time for prayer
    • We can pray to change our hearts
  • Almsgiving
    • Donate some of your toys to a local charity
    • Give a few dollars of your allowance to church on Sundays
Lent is a quiet time where you strengthen the three practices above and meditate on the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus. That doesn't mean you can't have fun, through! There are many fun practices you can take part in! For example, you can... 
  1. Make a crown of thorns (this is very easy and can be reused from year to year!)
    • Get a plain brown wreath
    • Get toothpicks (optional: dye them brown)
    • Stick the toothpicks in the wreath
    • Every time you make a sacrifice, take a thorn out of the wreath
    • By Easter, try to have all the toothpicks be gone!
  2. Bury your Alleluia
    • During Lent, we don't say "Alleluia"
    • You can bury your Alleluia!
    • Find a box
    • Write "Alleluia" on a piece of paper or find an "Alleluia" coloring sheet on the internet
    • Color the Alleluia
    • Put it in the box
    • Leave the box somewhere

Ash Wednesday

Image result for ash wednesday crossAsh Wednesday is a very important day in the Catholic Church: it marks the beginning of the Lenten season! Lent has forty days, so Ash Wednesday begins those forty days. Ashes symbolize penance, as well as mourning. In Biblical times, people would wear sackcloth and sit in ashes to show that they had done wrong. We receive ashes on our foreheads to symbolize repentance.

When you go up to receive ashes on your forehead, the priest might say a number of things, including:

  1. You are dust and to dust you shall return.
  2. Turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel
You are encouraged by the church to go to Mass on Ash Wednesday, but it is not a Holy Day of Obligation.

I encourage you to keep your ashes on all day! The ashes are meant to show we are sinners, so wearing them in public is okay! We're all sinners, and so you shouldn't feel uncomfortable with your ashes on at the grocery store, in the park, or anywhere else! Remember: The ashes are not making you a better person, neither are they a sign that you are holy. They point you out as a sinner, which we all are. 

Fun Fact! Did you know that the ashes are from burnt palms from last Palm Sunday? 

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Saint Quotes

"Pray, hope, and don't worry." -Padre Pio

"Do not be afraid." - Saint Pope John Paul II

"We cannot all do great things. But we can do small things with great love." -Mother Teresa

"We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But if the drop was not in the ocean, I think the ocean would be less because of the missing drop." -Mother Teresa

"If you are what you should be, you will set the world ablaze!" -Saint Catherine of Siena

“Our hearts were made for You, O Lord, and they are restless until they rest in you.” -Saint Augustine of Hippo

“The nation doesn’t simply need what we have. It needs what we are.” -Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross

"You cannot be half a saint; you must be a whole saint or no saint at all." -Saint Therese of Lisieux

"Love God, serve God, everything is in that." -Saint Clare of Assisi

"Apart from the Cross, there is no other ladder by which we can get to heaven." -Saint Rose of Lima

"I am not afraid. I was born to do this." -Saint Joan of Arc

"I fear nothing for God is with me." -Saint Joan of Arc

"My television is the tabernacle." -Mother Teresa

"I will spend my heaven doing good on earth." -Saint Therese of Lisieux

"Love without suffering does not exist." -Saint Bernadette Soubirous

"If you have God as the center of all the action, you will reach your goal." -Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati

"For Jesus I am prepared to suffer still more." -Saint Maximilian Kolbe

"Those who seek the truth seek God, whether or not they realize it." -Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross

"The smallest thing when done for the love of God is priceless." -Saint Teresa of Avila

"O my Lord, inflame my heart with love for You, that my spirit may not grow weary amidst the storms, the sufferings, and the trials." -Saint Faustina Kowalska

"A saint is a sinner that keeps trying." -Saint Josemaria Escriva

"God loves each of us as if there were only one of us." -Saint Augustine

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Make the Saints Your Friends!

Saint: "a person acknowledged as holy or virtuous and typically regarded as being in heaven after death." Saints are people who have made it to heaven. Everyone in heaven is a saint, but some saints are recognized by the church for being especially saintly. But being a saint is not far off! Saint Therese wanted to be a saint, and she said, 

Image result for saint therese of lisieux

"I have always wanted to become a saint. Unfortunately when I have compared myself with the saints, I have always found that there is the same difference between the saints and me as there is between a mountain whose summit is lost in the clouds and a humble grain of sand trodden underfoot by passers-by."

Saint Therese is one of the most popular saints ever, but even she found it hard to be a saint. The way Saint Therese tried to be a saint was through her Little Way. 

It is always nice to have a best friend, someone you can talk to, someone who is always watching out for you. I have found that the saints can be my best friends. Even when you move away from your old home, the saints will move along with you. 

Challenge!: Find one saint that will become your new "best friend". Find a quote from them, find a prayer for them, and find an image of them. Find out a lot about your saint, because when you have a best friend, you know about them, right? You know where they live, go to school, and what they like to do. Find out as much as you can about your new best friend. 

Image result for blessed mother
Before you make the saints your friends, remember that you are not praying to the saints, you are asking for their intercession. It's like asking a friend to pray for you. You're not praying to them, but you are asking them to pray for you. When we pray for the intercession of a saint, we are really just asking them to ask God for us.

The next time you are praying, ask a saint to intercede for you. They will help you out, and they will never forget about you!

God bless you!